Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

            John Proctor is a very interesting character.  And I don’t like to categorize him as either a hero or a stooge, since I believe he is in the story to somewhat represent an ordinary man.  A normal man can have heroic moments as well as ones that he is ashamed of.   Obviously John is embarrassed about what happened with Abigail.  And also maybe a little uneasy about questioning his religion.  He is at a time of his life where he is trying to make up for that.  He becomes more faithful to his wife and also becomes sort of a representative for some of the people in the town.  I think this helps paint him as a hero.  And I think if I had to say if he was a hero or stooge that he would be more of a hero.  And I think the biggest reason is because he was honest until he died.  I think part of what makes a hero is that even if they make mistakes they learn from them.  And I think that Proctor realized that lying always messed things up, and not just for him but also for the people around him.  So when he was faced with either lying and staying alive or being honest and dying for it, he chose what was right.  I think at the end of the play it is clear that John wants to be judged not by his religion but by his character. 

1 comment:

  1. Good points and i agree with you that John Proctor was a hero rather than a stooge. I find your point about learning from your mistakes interesting. Do you think his sin with Abigail pushed him to ultimately become a better man?
