Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In a Second

I hear the vibrating noise that my sister’s phone makes up against the dashboard when she gets a text message.  I glance and see that it is a text from the friend that we are meeting in just about 15 minutes.
“Hey sis, can you grab that for me,” she says with a smile.  Of course I do, I’m just happy that I’m here with my sister driving downtown and being a part of her friends' outing.
I start to read it aloud to my sister, “Oh my gosh, Kay I know I’m about to see you, but guess what? Can you believe…” my sister takes the phone out of my hands and smiles.
“Not for you,” she taunts.  I smile and just lean my head against the side of the car.  I first hear the sounds of her fingers typing and then the screeching of the tires.  I look up and see my sisters eyes go wide. I look ahead.  She suddenly tries to slam on the brake and veer towards the right of the road, not seeing that she had veered into the left side of the two lane road when she had looked down for just a couple moments.  I brace myself as we go off the road into the sewage ditch high speed.  Then everything goes blank.  
I just remember being lifted up and seeing lights flashing before I actually open my eyes and I find myself on a hospital bed.  I try to sit up my head starts swelling and I get dizzy.  I touch my temple and find a bandage wrapped all the way around my head.  
“Shh, take it easy hun.” I look and to my right is my aunt who lives a good 3 hour train ride from my family.  I wonder how she got here so quickly and why she is here.  I smile but my face is tight and I just feel exhausted.  I try to talk but I just go back under the deep pull of sleep.
When I wake up again, I feel better besides the fact that a nurse is almost forcing me to drink some grape juice as well as some sorts of animal cracker things.  My aunt is still in the room and I’m finally able to say, “Hey Aunt Char” short for Charlotte.  She smiles.  “Where’s mom and dad, and sis?”
She just keeps a smile on her face, but I begin to question it.  “Don’t worry, they’re just in the other room”  I realize she isn’t telling me everything.  But in some ways no matter how curious I am, my brain just isn’t letting me say anything more.
In a couple of hours, I’m basically okay to leave.  I’m bruised pretty badly and still exhausted.  Except we don’t leave.  Aunt Char and I just move to this private waiting room.  There I see my little cousin, Max and my uncle.  My parents come out of a room and smile when they see me.  I hug them.  I can tell though that my mom is pretty upset.
“Hey Alex,” my dad says.  I smile.  “We need to talk about something.”  I notice that my aunt and her family aren’t in the room anymore.  I can just predict what they are going to say.  They are probably just a little mad at my sister and me and are going to tell me that my sister is in just about the same condition as I am.  “It’s about Katherine.”  I don’t look up but I hear my mom start crying.  “ Now listen, you guys were in a pretty bad accident, I’m going to be straightforward and tell you that your sister isn’t doing that well.  She is stable but there is obviously a lot of head and brain damage.  We’ve been talking to the doctors and it is going to take a lot of work to get Katherine to where she used to be.”  I’m a little confused but I let him keep talking.  “She’s had trouble remaining conscious and we are in no means to tell her anything that has happened.  I know that you have been hurt too, and your mom and I are just happy that you are okay.”
Katherine stayed at the hospital for a couple of weeks.  I tried to go as much as I could but I was also under strict orders to get rest and to heal up.  Right now I’m a little scared.  I don’t know if my sister will ever get better.  We haven’t been able to say a lot to her, and there is one thing that we aren’t even allowed to mention for a long time.  During the accident that Katherine caused, it ended up being that the other driver didn’t survive the crash.

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